LQC's Alternate future of the United States Wiki

Hello, dear reader!

Thank you for visiting this site but it appears things have taken a twist. The current live roleplay is Season 2C and you can join if you please. There's definitely some activity. Note that this wiki will remain open, but if anything goes South — remember that tons of things have been archived on the Wayback Machine.

That's all for now, have a good day!


LQC's Alternate future of the United States Wiki
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 stars
The Map is rated 4 stars. That means it is fine and pretty good but could be better, ranging from only a few mistakes. Feel free to build on.

This is a page that includes various maps of various roleplay seasons, such as "first", "last", and "current". Over the months, users have lent over a hand too. No map is perfect, but it's the best we got. There's the CURRENT and OLD titles, following the Seasons being headers. Very outdated maps are not allowed to be labeled as current, especially if there are other more accurate ones.

Current Maps

Season 2C Maps

Season 2C Map

This map is edited by Hiandrew.

Old Maps

Season 0 Maps

No data available, yet, oof.

Season 1 Maps

Season 1


Note: There IS more. They can be found at the Town Of Salem Wiki or LQC's posts there.

Season 2 Maps

Season 2A

Last Map


Season 2A Gallery

Season 2B

First Map

First S2B Map



This is probably the last (and current) map, which is from Hiandrew (who plays the Federation of Florida, or FOF) in the style of LQC.


Bosnia Mapper

This is the last recent map from Bosnia Mapper (who plays the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or COP) in his own style and updated map to his knowledge. As you can see, it's very outdated.

Bosnia Mapper Feb 18 Map

Low quality content

Low quality content is the AFOTUS Series roleplay owner and manager. Nevertheless, this version does take a bit longer to update. He hasn't released one for a while, and acknowledged it isn't easy.

Season 2C

First Map

Beginning Season 2C Map
